Collection agencies, junk debt buyers, collection attorneys
If you’ve received letters or phone calls from one or more of the agencies and attorneys on this list.
Save the letters. Keep the calls. Contact us for more information.
What a Collector Can and Cannot Do - Know Your Rights !
Under provisions of Federal law, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), it is illegal for debt collectors to:
- Imply that failure to pay the debt could result in arrest, imprisonment, seizure of property, or garnishment of wages
- Call consumers at work when they knew the consumers' employers prohibit such calls
- Talk with third parties, including neighbors, children, and employers, for purposes other than acquiring location information about consumers, without consumers' consent
- Cause the telephone to ring, or engage a person in telephone conversations, repeatedly or continuously, with the intent to annoy, abuse, or harass a consumer
- Threaten to take action -- such as filing a lawsuit -- when they do not intend to do so or cannot legally do so
- Call consumers at times or places that they knew or should have known were inconvenient
- Fail to notify consumers of their right to dispute and obtain verification of their debts, and to obtain the name of the original creditor
- Continue to try to collect debts after consumers disputed them in writing, and before verifying the debts
- Use obscene or profane language
Anthony J. Pietrafesa
Attorney at Law
1971 Western Avenue #181
Albany NY 12203
Fax: 518.514.1241
Admitted in New York
Member National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA)
** Past results no guarantee of a future outcome